Deep Purple Roses


A modern and glorious rose. It displays a dark purple color with off white nuances in such a way that that it seems mystical. A stunning elegant touch to any flower arrangement.


SKU RS-DP-LV Categories ,

Product Description
Head size Petals (Amount) Vase life Color
 6-6.5 cms 35-40 16-17 days Intense Lavender/Pink Edges

Throughout the history of roses, the lavender rose has stood out as one of the most remarkable and engaging varieties available. A gift that will not be forgotten! This modern and glorious rose displays a dark purple color with off white nuances in such a way that that it seems mystical. A stunning elegant touch to any flower arrangement.

Additional Information
Quantity :

12 Roses, 25 Roses, 50 Roses, 75 Roses, 100 Roses, 125 Roses, 150 Roses, 200 Roses, Selected

Size :

20” (50 cm.) Medium Stems, 24” (60 cm.) Long Stems, 28” (70 cm.) Extra Long Stems, 32” (80 cm.) Super Long Stems, Selected


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